After reviewing your website, im sorry but unfortunately I cannot help. You have a large number of third-party plugins installed along with heavy Custom CSS HTML and JS coding. Installed plugins that are de-activated may still affect the normal workings of Lay theme - Woocommerce connection. Due to such heavy customisation i cannot de-bug everything and find out what the problem is, this is up to you. It could be that past installed plugins have left their mark and are causing the issue. once again sorry about this Alexandrot.
Becuase your website is already so heavily built up, i wouldnt expect to try any fresh re-install. An option would be to use jQuery to isolate the problem <p> paragraph elements within the problem woo-commerce container and then "display:none"
Woocommerce Lay Theme integration was not meant for such customisation. The work around will need to come from you, I hope that future updates of Lay Theme may remedy this problem anyway. 🌝
Sincerely Richard